AI powered MemeWar
Much Blockchain
Insane fun!!!

5% buy tax/ 5% sell tax

Fair launch: 100% tokens added to LP

Initial liquidity locked!

No team/marketing/advisors allocation!

100% community owned

Dex Tools Dex Screener


Pick a team or get left behind!!!

Decentralized team game with a winner takes all mechanics
There’s no mercy shown: losers lose, winners win big
Token owners will have to fight daily battles
Owning $WAR/$ETH LP unlocks a liquidity farming mechanism that grants liquidity providers with long term revenue generated rewards
This is the meme token fight of the century, powered by Artificial Intelligence.
coming soon!

Meme Roadmap ↓

Mechanics explained

Meme War Contract is the core smart contract behind $WAR token.
Its mechanics... simple:
Each day a new battle begins. Each battle lasts 24 hours.
Join Battle: Pick a meme and deposit the tokens in the Meme War Contract
At the end of the day, the team with the biggest value deposited stands victorious and takes all the tokens from the other team.
But wait... it doesn’t end here: Courage often decides battles; thus, the earlier in the battle you deposit your meme token soldiers in the contract, the bigger rewards you get. The received rewards decay with time, such that the soldiers which join the battle in the last hour of the battle receive 90% less than the courageous firstcomers. ( we can put a graph here that decays exponentially by 90% over the course of 24H: x axis: Reward amount, y axis: time)
There are some commissions that give lots and lots of gainz to the ones involved with the ecosystem.
of the pool value will be distributed to $WARPOOP owners (What’s $WARPOOP you ask? Read on...)
of the pool value will be distributed to the marketing team
of the pool value will be distributed to the development team

WARPOOP Liquidity Farming

We know everyone wants to diamond hand meme tokens. We also want people who diamond hand our $WAR to be long-term winners, so we invented $WARPOOP:

  • Adding Liquidity in UNISWAP will grant liquidity tokens, which can then be added to our Liquidity Farming Contract (unoriginally named Poop Farming). This contract Yields monthly rewards in $WARPOOP.

  • $WARPOOP can be staked in the Meme War Contract, and by staking your $WARPOOP there, you get that sweet 0.5% daily reward from every insane battle that’s going on. Good ol’ free daily income distributed proportionally between $WARPOOP stakers


Why moon and beyond?
$WAR is a highly underrated meme token. For real...

Diamond Hand Community

Mechanism to slowly increase the $WAR / $ETH LP.

Incentive for war participants to hold $ETH and $WAR and add them as liquidity to farm the highly
valuable $WARPOOP.

Revenue-based rewards for $WARPOOP holders, not
5% buy/sell tax
99999999% bulshit APY.
Some of that sweet and rewarding incentive for risk takers.

Wen next surprise?

We have something cookin'